So I love to read. (Obviously, since I work at the freakin library.) I love reading YA. I love reading about YA. And so I'm gonna pretend that I'm a cool book blogger person like all the cool book blogging people whose cool book blogs I always read. And for today's review post thingy-dealy... drum roll, please... we have Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.
What it's about: Karou, with her strange tattoos, bright blue hair, and sketchbook full of fantastical creatures, isn't a normal seventeen year old. She is an art student at a boarding school in Prague, but other than that, her friends know nothing about her. Even Karou herself doesn't know much. She disappears often, running strange, secret errands for the creatures who fill her sketchbook. Yes, they are real. They're called chimaera - half animal, half human - and Karou has lived with them since she was a baby. But Karou's life will get much stranger and more dangerous before she finally discovers the truth about her past.
What I thought: Finally, a book worth recommending! I haven't read a book this beautiful in a long time. The first half of the book seemed a little slow at times, but as a whole, it was well worth it. Karou is wonderfully developed; she is strong and beautiful and talented, yet she has a vulnerability about her that makes her realistic, without being angsty. Even the secondary characters are fantastic, from Issa, the half snake lady who has been like a mother to Karou, to Zuzana, Karou's quirky best friend. I don't want to give away too much of the story, but I will say that it involves a boy named Akiva, who is dark and mysterious and sexy and totally book crush worthy :)
Oh and it's a series! Which usually makes me groan because seriously, can there not be stand alone YA anymore? But in this case it actually makes me super happy because I really love this book!
My feelings? Love!
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